
Ten/6 Family


Mother & Daughter

Now introducing Brandon, he’s the king of the beans. That’s a reference to coffee, to those who aren’t fiends. This charming young man has the will and means. To upgrade our stature, to heighten our schemes.

Last but certainly not least in our directory. His skill and dedication is astoundingly complimentary. This maverick among us has a brilliant trajectory. Whose heart is so big it got a recreational endarterectomy

What possesses a mother and daughter to dream? To engage with their passion and marry their favorite themes?

Cajun and Alice, imagine such a team. Top hats, gators and Disneyland screams.

It can’t all be rooted in greed.Or maybe it can but it’d die out with speed

Perhaps they’d attribute their need. To live in their passion, to provide friends with great feed

Oh, it has something to do with the Passion. I doubt mama Jill really misses nurse fashion

And TJ was running off fumes, patience rationed. They’ve developed a dream and protect it like a bastion

26 years in the making. You’ll try a beignet and you’ll know I’m not faking

When I tell you it’s your heart they’ll be taking. Not literally. Calm down. You’ll spill sugar. You’re shaking.

They’re the first to tell of the shortness of life. And why you can’t waste it though despair seems so rife

There’s freedom in connection and spoons, forks and knives. Overcome thalassaphobia and go on some dives.

They genuinely operate in the most human of essence. Investing in community, family and lessons

You can feel their heart in their very presence. You can count on their tears in all of the sessions

Going against the grain always, as cliche as it sounds . But I assure their creativity has not yet met its bounds 

Some call them crazy, some want them in gowns. Others exclaim brilliance and want them in crowns

They’re also tough as nails, I mean TJ played hockey. They drink Bloody Marys with hot stuff and Saki 

Don’t let my focus of heart make this rocky. They talk plenty of trash you should hear when the mock me

It’s our actual goal to give you such goodness you’ll cuss. If you can’t make it in, there’s no need to fuss

We’ve goals that are massive, wait and see what it does. But if you do get the chance, I think you should join us. 

I could write you book about our angel, Michelle. Of her loyalty, talent and treats, it would tell

She’s a character worthy of honor so well. But she fed me some pastries so I’m tired as hell

She’s always asking me “so, when are we going to Disney?”So intense, she once made an officer get down on his knee

She’s so wonderfully kind, I bet she’d give you a kidney. When you taste her sweets you’ll forget all your misery



Mother & Daughter


“Who’s us” you might wonder, well I’m smitten you’d ask. We’ve built us a team who is up to the task.

They are brimming with power, like an almost full flask. Though we convince them to dress up, you won’t find them in masks.

How could I tell you of Ezra’s disdain. For the basic, the boring, the unrelenting mundane.

Which we think makes him perfect to be conducting this train. He’s so uninspired when he stays in his lane

We can always rely on him wielding his candor. Don’t bring up Jack Johnson unless you like slander 

He’s a teacher, a student, a mind-expander. He’s our captain, our chief, our ambitious commander.

Sullivan & Craig, like father, like son, tweedle dee and tweedle dum.


“Mad Hatter: Am I going mad?
Alice: Yes, you're mad, bonkers, off the top of your head...but...I'll tell you a secret.
All the best people are.”

Lewis Carroll, Alice's Adventures in Wonderland / Through the Looking-Glass